The Big Story Gospel: a resource


Most of us are familiar with the "Cross bridging the gap" or "Two Ways to Live".

The Big Story Gospel presentation was developed by InterVarsity USA (our sister campus mission in America) to be in conversation answering the questions that today's students are asking.

They aren't necessarily looking for a pathway to God. And their concerns and despair about the trajectory of the world are real. I love the balance between individual/corporate and atonement/victory.

I think all of us have seen enough tools to know that none of them answer all the questions. You may look through the app and think it doesn’t focus enough of personal sin and the broken/restored personal relationship with God. You may find that it has reversed the purpose of the good news of Jesus in that restoring the world and relationships with others is listed before relationship with God. Doesn’t a restored relationship with God first allow all these things to flow from it?

I think where this tool helps evangelists think through our approach is that it helps us start the conversation on the same page, where they are at. It also helps us communicate that the power of the resurrection is both internal but also we are sent out be that Kingdom of God influence in the world. I don't know many other tools that do that.

Tools are just that. And this is one tool in the hand of a worker sent to bring healing and restoration and life to a dying humanity.

Could you see yourself incorporating some of these ideas in the way you talk about the good news of Jesus?

They also have some good advice on how to follow up with a new follower of Jesus.