Lies that Women Should Be Like Men


Have you watched this BBC documentary The Detransitioners She2He2She?

The Fall created a struggle for these young women informed by a culture that says girls and women can’t or that they are less or that they are weak or that they are in danger because of their sex. Satan whispering lies that bring death to teens all over the world.

The answer is not to retreat from our gender but the people of God proclaim the truth of the gospel drowning out the the lies of Satan.

Beware when the church proclaims these same lies.

Our gospel worldview gives us hope and answers in this confusion.

Women and men are made in the image of God. We are good. Eve was not lesser than or a dysfunctional Adam. Adam was not enough. Eve would not have been enough. Together as man and woman, they were good.

In Corinthians we read Paul advising the church on how to conduct themselves orderly when they gather. Some women were presenting themselves as men when partaking in meetings. The Holy Spirit says NO to this. Pray as women! Prophesy as women. Sing as women! Your gender is good. Your identity is in Christ.

The Corinthian society was causing gender confusion even then. To be worthy of being heard, you must be as a man. To be worthy of status, you must be a man. To be worthy of safety, you must be a man.

The gospel says NO.

Christ is worthy. In him you are worthy. As a gendered male and female you are worthy. Your identity is in Christ.

Instead we ought to be advocates for girls and women. Affirming their worth. Guaranteeing their safety. Viewing them as fellow-image-bearers of God rather than as less than or as a sexual temptress. Teaching them that they have a place at the table to be heard, to use their gifts to serve the community of Christ and the world, and don’t have to be more like a man. Discrediting the claim that this is a man’s world and to survive in a man’s world women must be as men.

At University Fellowship of Christians we are in a unique position to speak into the University realm of conversations and ideas and worldviews and point those who are questioning, confused by the world's lack of answers where authenticity becomes the ethical standard.

Christians and churches (both local and further afield) partnering with us in this important work makes a massive difference in young people's lives as staff and students are showing up and are here for these types of conversations.