Gospel Giving This Christmas

Front of Gift Card

Front of Gift Card

For those of you who have prayerfully partnered with me and my work financially, I am returning a portion of your contribution this month in the form of a gift that you can pass on to a friend or family-member this Christmas season.

You'll be giving the gift of the gospel instead of a goat or a chicken or school supplies.

For those who have been thinking and praying about giving to the work I do, I'm printing more covering a few different aspects of my work:

  • 2 books for a student leader to grow and learn as a follower of Jesus

  • A Fellowship Group Leaders team planning session

  • Resources created for training students and church leaders

  • A Training seminar for students to learn a gospel skill

  • Student mentored over a semester

  • Training students from across Australia over a week to understand the good news of Jesus and communicate God's story through telling their own story

Your regular monthly contribution or one off gift goes a long way to making my work sustainable so that I can get on with proclaiming Jesus and presenting our students mature in Him.

If you'd like to know more about partnering with my work financially and giving the gift of the gospel, this Christmas, send me an email at christine@ufcutas.org . Or click the Give Now button below.

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Back of Gift Card