Gospel Gift Catalog

This Christmas give a Gospel Gift to a friend and save the chicken, goat and school supplies for their birthday.

You can choose from the following gifts that will directly support the work I do in proclaiming Jesus and presenting our students mature in Him. You will receive a digital copy of your gift within 24 hours. For a print copy, please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.

$10 - A Coffee Conversation

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This gift helps cover the cost of two coffees.

Christine will often meet with a new student who has expressed interest in learning more about University Fellowship of Christians at Tasmania’s only university. As they chat over a cuppa, Christine learns where they are at in their journey of knowing Jesus. They are then invited to participate in any of our events, learn more about Jesus through studying the gospel of Matthew with other students or join a weekly Fellowship Group of other Christians in their area of study.

$30 - 2 Books for Student Leaders

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This gift helps cover the cost of two books.

University Fellowship of Christians regularly gives books away to students to encourage deep and broad reading habits. Christine Jolly is giving two books each to her team of students who lead Fellowship Groups. In 2020, her team will be reading a book on prayer and another on 1 to 1 discipleship ministry. Over the year, these leaders will personally put into practice what they are learning, pass on this knowledge to their weekly Fellowship Group meetings, and use these skills for years to come.

$50 - Team Planning Session

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This gift helps cover the cost of a team planning session.

Christine Jolly’s role at University Fellowship of Christians is to equip and coach students through planning a series of evangelistic events throughout the year. Students from Arts, Science and Health coordinate events with the express purpose of inviting their friends and classmates to become friends with other Christians and to hear Jesus proclaimed as Saviour and Lord.

$100 - Training Resource

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This gift helps cover the cost of a training resource.

Christine is committed to training the next generation of church leaders. Part of that is creating resources such as blog posts, videos, and other forms of online content. All of that costs time and money. This gift helps make these resources accessible to not just the students on her team but also more broadly to local church members and leaders at local training events and the possibility of online video courses for church planters nationally.

$250 - Training Seminar to Learn a Gospel Skill

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This gift helps cover the cost of a training seminar.

Christine uses her teaching background to train students in a variety of gospel skills: how to understand and communicate the good news of Jesus clearly through telling your own story; how to think theologically about politics; how to understand the Gospel of John and its themes compared to the other gospels; how to use social media well as a Christian; how to grow in godly discernment; and so much more to come in 2020.

$500 - Student Mentored over a Semester

This gift helps cover the cost of a mentoring a student over a semester.

Christine meets with students on her team and other young women to read the Bible and pray. She provides a safe space to ask deep, probing questions about what it means to follow Jesus as a student, leader and young woman. Her hope is that these students, having experienced a good mentoring relationship with her, will go on to do the same with others.

$1000 - Communicating God’s Story through a Student’s Story

This gift helps cover the cost of training students to learn the gospel well enough to tell God’s story through their own story.

Over a week in Canberra, Christine teaches a group of recent grade 12 graduates from all over Australia to thoroughly understand the good news of Jesus so that they can authentically tell God’s story of redemption through telling their own story of encountering this good news. What a powerful skill to develop before stepping foot on their university campus!

Your regular monthly contribution or one off gift goes a long way to making my work sustainable so that I can get on with proclaiming Jesus and presenting our students mature in Him.

If you'd like to know more about partnering with my work financially and giving the gift of the gospel, this Christmas, send me an email at christine@ufcutas.org . Or click on one of the Give buttons above.