The Pros of Investing in Me, a Woman in Gospel Work


My prayer supporters have collaborated with me to prepare this list of reasons why it is a good kingdom investment to financially support me, a woman, in gospel work at a university.

What would you add to the list?

  • Theologically-trained women, competent in teaching and leadership, are rare and ought to be encouraged to use their “talents” for the kingdom and are not to be buried away.

  • There are more opportunities to invest in women using their gifts in paid gospel work in parachurch organisations like campus ministry.

  • Local churches who can’t afford to employ a woman on staff may through partnership use me as a resource to build up their women in God’s word and training.

  • More than half of university students are women.

  • More than half of students involved in university ministry are usually women.

  • A woman on senior staff can mentor young women leaders 1-1, modeling to them how they can do it with new believers and younger Christians.

  • It is good for a campus ministry to have women at a senior level casting a female perspective on decisions and future direction that will effect female students.

  • A woman may form strategic partnerships with women in local, gospel-focused churches that delight in God’s Word to share the load of mentoring young women students. She may also offer training in reading the Bible, praying and mentoring 1-1 for those wishing to become skilled in this area, enabling them to use those skills with women in their church, new Christians or our university students.

  • It’s good for university students to see women in vital roles of gospel ministry and will help them value the women who selflessly serve in their local church.

  • It is helpful for young women, young men, older women, older men … well, everyone really … to see the potential for women in using their gifts for the sake of the gospel in a variety of ways. It’s good for all to see a woman doing gospel ministry beyond church crèche, Sunday School and women’s Bible study. (representation in paid and volunteer work)

  • Apart from my gender, investing in university ministry in general is important for the local and global church. Graduates who have grown spiritually, theologically, intellectually and emotionally through campus ministry have also been strategically trained in leadership. They go on to serve God’s people wherever God places them. They show up early to set up and stay late to pack up. They are quick to volunteer to lead a Bible study or teach Sunday School. They are accustomed to participating well in meetings deciding the direction of the church’s ministry. They are skilled in proclaiming Jesus to their friends, work-mates and neighbours. They serve their friends and family and church community with love and humility. They love the culture they are in but realise they are sojourners here. The local and global church is better for it. As Fellowship Groups Overseer, I will play a key part of their training.

Sorry, in an attempt to write a balanced list I tried to think of some Cons. I came up empty.

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