Building Partnerships vs. Fundraising


“Have you started yet?”

“How’s the fundraising going?”

I get these two questions a lot at the moment.

Yes! Deep breath.

Here’s another great opportunity to share with someone how my voluntary work leading up to 1 January is so much more.

Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) sees our role prior to employment (and continuing beyond throughout our term of service) as support-raising, partnership development or partnership ministry.

Fundraising communicates that my task is to ask people for money. It views you as “walking wallets”. My job would be to ask and receive. And maybe send a Thank You card.

AFES instead seeks to build relationships based on a common mission to proclaim Jesus to university students and present them mature in Christ.


Support-raising opens up the relationship beyond financial support to welcoming churches and individuals to join the ministry in prayer, encouragement, and being involved with University Fellowship of Christians itself, as well.

How have I gone about support-raising?

I’ve been in touch with many friends and church contacts inviting them to join me on this ministry journey. Every Sunday I’ve visited a different church to share with them the mission of University Fellowship of Christians and the important role I will (Lord-willing) play next year. Each visit, God has brought new people who are excited about my mission and delight in the opportunity to partner with me.

Partnership Development

Partnership development takes that relationship deeper by bringing Christians into the actual ministry and also giving back to them by benefiting from our work.

How have I gone about developing partnerships?

My Facebook group Christine and the Support Team is a way to give-back to my prayer partners. I share regular updates and links and resources Christians can use NOW in their own community, families, workplace, and church ministry helping them think deeply about their own growth and confidence in Christ and preparing to live for God through all seasons of their lives.

I also invite the church leaders who have welcomed me to share my mission with their church family to consider me a resource their church can use to build up and encourage the women in their community.

Partnership Ministry

Partnership Ministry goes a step deeper and disciples our partners like Paul on his journey through Asia Minor planting churches writing home and building up his supporters in their own faith and growth. Our partners are just as much a part of our ministry as our students are.

How have I gone about partnership ministry?

AFES staff are equipped to offer training in evangelism, mentoring new believers and building up young Christians to grow in maturity and leadership. While Christine and the Support Team achieves this on one level, I look forward to working with partnering churches to build them up through coaching, teaching and workshops, and supporting the discipleship of their women and young people.

My Current Role and Your Role

My role at the moment:

  • Planning and strategy

  • Initiating partnerships for the sake of the campus ministry

  • Nurturing those relationship by communicating regularly and inviting people to be involved

  • Keeping healthy and faithful perspective in my head and heart—pray and keep God in the picture

  • Put in place support and accountability structures that I need

  • Think theologically about partnerships and trust God in his work

Your role: (If you desire to, of course. It’s not compulsory for all Christians or even my closest friends to do any of the below.)

  • Pray, encourage me, give, get involved as you are able

  • Contribute to discerning whether I am suitable for this ministry

If you think I am suitable for this ministry and don’t want to miss out on my Spring newsletter to financial partners (posting at the end of this week), you can pledge your monthly support here.

You’ll receive a printed newsletter with exclusive content for financial partners to show how your financial investment is achieving everlasting kingdom outcomes.