Video: Digital Chaplaincy

Earlier this year I partook in an international online conference, encouraging Christians consider whether or not working in ministry is for them or how they might partner with and pray for those who do. My video was used alongside several others to demonstrate how versatile gospel ministry can be. The highlights of MTS Recruit 2020 for me were:

I enjoyed leading a peer group and discovering how despite the women living all over Australia they all had the similar concerns about stepping into ministry. There was a good mix of discussion in the group around the Bible, broken up with watching some videos and discussing the testimonies in the videos and how the Bible passage speaks to those situations as well as our own. Even if they never do an apprenticeship, they now have a greater appreciation for the hurdles and decisions of those who do and can encourage them and be a better support to them.

- Christine Jolly

At University Fellowship of Christians we are in a unique position to speak into the University realm of conversations and ideas and worldviews and point those who are questioning, confused by the world's lack of answers where authenticity becomes the ethical standard.

Christians and churches (both local and further afield) partnering with us in this important work makes a massive difference in young people's lives as staff and students are showing up and are here for these types of conversations.