Humans of Uni Fellowship: Christine Jolly, ep. 1


1:01 - Andy: Christine, you are human number 1.

4:57 - How I became a follower of Jesus

6:32 - Around 10 years old, I remember listening to a visiting preacher

7:50 - If it is true, I need to surrender my life fully to Him.

9:30 - When we came back to Germany, I was a teenager at this point and very involved in our church planting ministry.

10:05 - I got a degree in Education.

12:15 - Do I really want to teach? Do I really want to be a high school teacher?

13:00 - Wouldn’t it be cool if I could be a diplomat and work in embassies in places where even missionaries couldn’t go!

13:33 - Or would you rather represent your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ?

15:30 - (At Bible College) I had the opportunity to blog about what I was learning and the conversations I was having with other students.

15:50 - I married the guy who called me a Christian Feminazi on my blog.

17:00 - Andy: What was formative for you during your family’s church planting ministry?

18:27 - We were challenged as a family to tackle something in God’s Word that we hadn’t yet done as a family.

19:40 - It’s so hard as an American to accept God’s sovereignty.

20:55 - It was while at bible college, I was particularly interested in women working in ministry.

24:38 - If you don’t see it (a woman working in gospel ministry), it doesn’t exist.

25:30 - Men and women have been gifted in the body of Christ to serve his Kingdom.

28:22 - Strategic Evangelistic Prayer as a part of our regular Fellowship Groups

34:20 - The 12 year gap between arriving in Tasmania and beginning work at Uni Fellowship

40:40 - I’m really proud of what we accomplished in Christians and non-Christians doing good works together.

42:25 - I have a heart for the gospel. I want to present my life as a living sacrifice to work for the gospel. And when it comes to looking around for opportunities available for a woman like me to work in the gospel, it was a no-brainer to ring up Mikey Lynch and say, “I want in.”

46:19 - If you’re considering giving your life as a living sacrifice, to work in gospel ministry, know that it is rich, and it is fulfilling and you are always learning, and you’re always growing and being challenged and you’re always doing that for someone else in community.

At University Fellowship of Christians we are in a unique position to speak into the University realm of conversations and ideas and worldviews and point those who are questioning, confused by the world's lack of answers where authenticity becomes the ethical standard.

Christians and churches (both local and further afield) partnering with us in this important work makes a massive difference in young people's lives as staff and students are showing up and are here for these types of conversations.