Jesus Is Light: a biblical theology sermon


In the cold dark months of winter, the nation descends on Hobart as our city celebrates the darkness during Dark Mofo. Ironically, light plays a major role in these celebrations. Red lights everywhere. Sizzling red flares as the ogoh-ogoh burns and supposedly our fears with it. A favourite art feature has been the pillar of light shooting into space. A beacon. Crowds are drawn to it like moths. Our attention is distracted while driving on the roads as we look for the beacon during the night. But as the sun dawns, organisers flick the switch. The beacon is turned off. Because while the beacon of light is beautiful indeed in the night. It is overwhelmed in the atmosphere penetrating grandeur of our solar system’s sun.

Let me introduce you to the Light that penetrates the world’s darkness. The light that was promised and has come and has called you to shine forth in the world. Jesus Christ.

(Listen to my sermon at the August 2019, Women’s Winter Festival.)