Ministry Update

Two big weeks of our Pre-Season Conference and our on-campus mission have wrapped up.

Now it's time to follow up with approximately 250 students who want to know more.

Learn how you can support our mission to proclaim Jesus and grow confident student leaders and young women who are committed to following Jesus through all seasons of their lives.

Financial Update

My role is meant for 2.5 days a week. Currently I am funded to work 1.5. As a result 20% of my 1.5 days a week needs to be allocated to raising the remainder support needed to add the extra day required.

1.5 days a week is the bear minimum to do the basics of the role.

Your financial partnership means that I would be paid to:

  1. meet up with young women 1:1 to read the Bible and pray

  2. work on leadership development with my Fellowship Group team

  3. study and prepare workshops and talks coming up in the year

  4. lead an additional Fellowship Group or two myself so that no student is left without a weekly group to pray strategically for our mission on campus and grow in spiritual maturity

At the moment much of this is happening as unpaid work.

If you'd like to become a regular financial supporter, please click on the SUPPORT button below.

Giving Back to You

Sharing resources is my way of giving back to you and supporting your own relationship with Jesus and your church family and your own ministry. All links have been shared in Christine: Behind the Scenes. Join us in the group to discuss how the content might affect our lives and gospel work.

How My View of Scripture Changed: A Tribute to My Local Pastor: "Because I did not know how to correctly study and interpret Scripture, I had no firm footing in it. I was easily swept away by lies born out of the misuse of God’s Word."

Falling in Love with God's Word: "When women grow increasingly lax in their pursuit of Bible literacy, everyone in their circle of influence is affected. Rather than acting as salt and light, we become bland contributions to the environments we inhabit and shape, indistinguishable from those who have never been changed by the gospel."

Women in Vocational Ministry: "One of the lessons we should learn from this #MeToo moment is that we need to have a leadership structure in place, no matter what institution (church, seminary, publishing house, parachurches), that allows for greater accountability and transparency, and women need to be part of that accountability structure..."

The Church Loved my Daughter to Jesus: "No doubt the hundreds of hours we spent teaching her the Bible and talking with her played a role in her coming to know Jesus. But what ultimately showed her the reality of the gospel was hearing it from people in addition to her parents. She was engulfed by people who loved and followed Jesus. Their love, prayers, and conversations bore fruit one moment on a Sunday night as she trusted in Jesus."

Finding Your Identity in Christ Looks Like Death: "[T]his pursuit of finding our identity in Christ looks like death. As in the classic moves of the Reformation, Butterfield says, we’re called to destroy idols and proclaim the Word of God—and this begins with us."

Encouraging Women in Ministry: "[T]he most significant encouragement for her is normal relationships. And this includes things like the real encouragement given and received in the midst of the really normal, the normal conversations about our weeks, the normal invitation to be part of our family dinners, remembering to ask about the thing that have been stressful, the follow up text to say thanks for small way I saw you serving on Sunday, the shared laugh at ourselves, the team dinner at a restaurant with no agenda but simply food on the table."

Upcoming Speaking Events:

21 February: Pre-Season Conference 2019 (Esther 6:1-8:14)
22 February: Pre-Season Conference 2019 Seminar (John and the Synoptic Gospels - not recorded)
30 March: Connecting Conference 2019 (Brisbane) Workshop (Thinking Theologically about Christian Self-Help Literature)
4 April: MTS Training Day Workshop (Engaging the Media)
11 April: Engage Conference Workshop (Social Media, Part 1)
10-13 July: Mid-Year Conference Workshop (Thinking Theologically about Politics)
11 August: Women's Winter Festival Sermon (Jesus Is ...)
12 September: Engage Conference Workshop (Social Media, Part 2)