Ministry Update


This partnership that you and I have in proclaiming Jesus to University of Tasmania students and presenting them mature in Him can feel very one-sided:

  • You are praying for me and our work on campus.

  • You are financially giving so that I can do the work required.

  • You are opening emails and reading updates and showing up to our events to support us and interacting in my group on Facebook.

I intend to improve our partnership and let you know that I am genuinely praying for you, your family and your mission.

"For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better." Ephesians 1:15-17

In light of that, expect to hear from me. I will ask how I can pray for you and better partner with you as Paul did with those who supported him in prayer and meeting his physical needs.

In the photo above is my prayer notebook. You'll have a page dedicated to you and a record of how I am praying for you.



Both of my daughters have signed up for the primary schools Southern Tasmanian triathlon. Phew! This is new territory for me. I was never very sporty.

We just finished using New City Catechism as a family. Each night Mike read a question and we all had a go at sharing what we thought the answer might be and then discussed the answer given in our book. In future years, we might return to the resource again, using the devotional where two prominent theologians (historical and contemporary) flesh out the concepts raised. The app is excellent, including both a child's version, adult version, accompanying scripture and commentary, and songs.

Mike and I had the rare opportunity to do ministry side-by-side. The Uni Fellowship Arts and Science students put on a Q&A event You Can't Ask a Christian That! Mike and I were paired together and answered questions about abortion, hell and religious freedom. Over the night other panelists answered nearly 30 questions, each person consistently pointing to the gospel of Jesus Christ over and over again in their answers. Nearly 50 people came along, 30 people who were not previously connected to Uni Fellowship.


Connecting and Investing

Looking at my chart above you can see how up and down my own incoming finances are each month. I'm so close to my goal line but not quite. Some do like what my husband and I used to do, give a large sum once a month which puts me over the line. But if they were to give even a small amount steadily over the years, the more sustainable and stable my finances can be.

If we dip below 60% regular giving, we are required to give a significant portion of our work-week to raising more financial support. I'm not there, by the grace of God, but that is largely because I've opted to be paid for only 2 days a week of work rather than the 2.5 my role requires and I'm actually working.

If you'd like to invest in my work through regular, ongoing financial support, please click on the SUPPORT button below.

Giving Back to You

Sharing resources is my way of giving back to you and supporting your own relationship with Jesus and your church family and your own ministry. All links have been shared in Christine: Behind the Scenes. Join us in the group to discuss how the content might affect our lives and gospel work.

Liturgy of the Ordinary: Tish Harrison Warren breaks down the mundane activities of a 24 hour period and shows us how our lives are a living sacrifice, even the mundane ritual act of brushing our teeth, caring for the vessel that God created for our souls day in and day out. Insightful for those who feel like life ought to be always lived on the edge for the sake of the gospel.

Plugged In: connecting your faith with what you watch, read and pray : Daniel Strange writes about how Christians consume culture. "Whether it's TV boxsets, Instagram stories or historical novels, we all consume culture. So it's important that we are neither bewitched by it—buying into everything it tells us—or bewildered by it—lashing out in judgment or retreating into a Christian bubble."

Daughters of the Church: women and ministry front New Testament times to the present: Of particular interest to me was the chapter on Bible Women during the modern missionary movement who worked alongside of Western missionaries going before them, preparing the way for the gospel, assisting them and staying behind to build up the church, women and children. They worked as translators, teachers, evangelists and were invaluable to the rapid growth of the gospel and Christianity throughout previously unreached regions of the world.

Upcoming Speaking Events

6-8 September: Women's Weekend Away MCing and Workshop (Women on Mission)
12 September: Engage Conference 2 x Workshops (EXvangelicals and Social Media, Part 2)
22 September: Summerleas Christian Church Missions Spot
23 October: Tasmanian Church Planting Conference, Elective, (Church and Social Media)
29 November - AFES National Training Event (NTE): Strand 1 Leader
