Ministry Update

As you know, my role is to oversee University Fellowship of Christian's Fellowship Groups and Faculty Cluster Events. Please keep these groups and events in your prayers and consider ways you might be able to support them.

Fellowship Groups
My team of student leaders have a had a strong start to the year. They consistently have an average of more than 4 students attend each of our 4 Fellowship Group based on faculty. One group in particular has requested to meet more than once a week! How could we say "No"?!

Our student leader team did brainstorm some cautions as they were concerned students may become over-burdened with commitments or choosing to attend the extra Bible study time over the Fellowship Group prayer time or any of our other official events. We were also concerned that students might opt for this Bible study over engaging with their local church's small group options. It turns out their churches didn't have Bible studies they could attend. In the end, this group has our blessing to go off-the-books, group members should feel no pressure to attend the extra meeting and their group leader has pointed them towards some great Bible study resources.

In all of this, my job is to coach the student leaders in their task to make wise decisions on behalf of their groups. I would usually only step in if I felt that our Vision/Mission was at risk. The leaders have really proven themselves capable of mature decision-making. We have a great team!

Faculty Cluster Events
At the beginning of Semester 1, students in Arts, Science and Health Faculty Clusters all hosted social events for their friends in their respective faculties. Now they are in the planning stages for the 3rd event and will be meeting together soon to plan for their big Evangelistic event at the beginning of Semester 2.

The Science Cluster hope to host an event where a panel of everyday Christians within Science, Engineering and Technology fields might come an answer some big life questions. Our students would then be hosts at tables and help shape the conversation over a light meal.

Please pray for their planning. Those who attend these events will be invited to take part in our Christianity 1A six-week course later in the semester.

Coming Soon
In the middle of June, all AFES senior staff will be attending a 5 day conference just outside Sydney. I'm looking forward to meeting my mainland colleagues. I'm one of those weirdos that genuinely loves conferences, the on-site accommodation, meals and networking.

We also have Mid Year Conference in July. Our Hobart and Launceston campuses will join together over 3 days for some deep theological teaching and practical workshops.

"There is no Christian camp quite like Mid Year Conference. Our vision is that MYC will give the Uni Fellowship great understanding, ownership and momentum going into Semester 2. We build an intensive program to help new Christians build new knowledge and disciplines into their lives. And more mature Christians will learn lots of new things and be inspired to make changes in their lives and ministries. We will be looking at the topic of The Cross in sermons, seminars and Speak the Word groups - along with a range of practical electives."



These are my cheeky girls Olivia (10) and Ella (8). This image says it all. Olivia is my sensible, animal and LEGO enthusiast. Ella is a warrior fairy superhero princess. They are both currently obsessed with the soundtrack to Lego Movie 2. Olivia always has one eye on the clock and has her things organised and ready to go. Ella stays up late reading and often arrives at school muesli bar in hand and sleep in her eyes just as the bell rings. Both enjoy dancing and singing in front of the mirror together.

Mike (my husband) is a hard-working Marketing Officer for Christian Schools Tasmania. He frequently rides his road bike to and from work and he takes it with him on our trips overseas. This bike is a serious aspect to our Family Health and Wellbeing Plan. His time dedicated to riding is good for all of us and precious as it gets him out of the office in the fresh air, exercising and socialising with his cycling mates which has led to some really great evangelistic conversations.

Prayer: My change in jobs this year has led to some changes in our family scheduling. One morning a week, I leave early in the morning for our Breakfast Sessions and Leadership Development for our students. One evening a month, I'm out late at our Citywide evangelistic event. And I have and will be attending a few conferences and be away from my family for a few days at a time. Some of these conferences have meant that we've had to shift our normal trip to visit family in June to later in the year.

This is a hard change on my family when everyone is used to mum/wife being 100% accessible all of the time. I am very grateful that this job allows me to still pick up my children from school every day of the week, relax together in the afternoons and make dinner and settle them in bed, reading from our chapter book almost every night. I've already been away for one conference and when I came back everyone seemed to have survived and still loved each other. I know we can do this but it's hard to hear a ministry kid declare "I hate your new job!"


Financial Update

I still need to raise the remaining 40% of my monthly salary to be sustainable and work fully-funded for 2.5 days per week. That's approximately 30 people giving $50/month (more or less) to get me over the line.

Your overseas support goes a loooong way. $1AUD = $0.70USD or 0.50GBP
$50AUD/month = $35USD/month

You could give more or give less, as you feel led.

If you'd like to become a regular financial supporter, please click on the SUPPORT button below.

Giving Back to You

Sharing resources is my way of giving back to you and supporting your own relationship with Jesus and your church family and your own ministry. All links have been shared in Christine: Behind the Scenes. Join us in the group to discuss how the content might affect our lives and gospel work.

Jen Wilkin on What Pastors Need to Know About Women: [VIDEO] Jen speaks to a room of church leaders about understanding and serving more than 1/2 their congregation better.

Are Your Church Structures Undermining the Gospel?: When we were talking about this article in the office this week, Andy, our Events Coordinator who hadn't read the article, began practically quoting the content word for word. When he finally got around to reading it, turned out the article was written by his lead pastor in the church he was at in Sydney. Ah, that explains a lot.

Church Announcements: [PODCAST] Let's move beyond the boring and get excited about how our announcements fit in with the overall vision and mission of our church. Leave the dot points for the weekly email.

#readwomen: I'm excited to read some of these books from InterVarsity Press this year. Such a great range of experience that both men and women can learn from.

Developing Female Leaders: "One of the best practices churches can do for all their leaders, especially their female ones, is to make sure their theology is clear and to help their teams understand how this practically plays out in day to day ministry settings. In the book, I’m not looking to change anyone’s theology, but we are missing out on some excellent leaders because of miscommunication. The book provides language and tools to help you better articulate the theology you already have, and to communicate that with your team so everyone’s leadership potential is maximized.”

10 Habits of Discerning People: "8. They embrace goodness wherever they find it. In the chaos of the world, we tend to cluster in like-minded groups, believing our tribe will give us a sense of safety and security. Sadly, this “us vs. them” approach can blind us to the weaknesses within our group. It can also make us miss the good things that happen outside it. Discerning people know that both good and bad exist in every space.”

When Do You Know You Are Emotionally Mature?: Suggestion #21: "You get better at hearing feedback. Rather than assuming that anyone who criticises you is either trying to humiliate you or is making a mistake, you accept that maybe it would be an idea to take a few things on board. You start to see that you can listen to a criticism and survive it – without having to put on your armour and deny there was ever a problem." (great life hacks for Uni students ... or anyone!)

Upcoming Speaking Events:

15 June: Mission Possible (St. Johns Presbyterian Church) Event Missions Spot
10-13 July: Mid-Year Conference Workshop (Thinking Theologically about Politics)
14 July: St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Missions Spot
29 July: Preachers Workshop (“Flair for the Dramatic”: helping preachers move beyond reading a script.)
11 August: Women's Winter Festival Sermon (Jesus Is ... Light of the World)
12 September: Engage Conference Workshop (Social Media, Part 2)
22 September: Summerleas Christian Church Missions Spot