Ministry Update

Yesterday was a big day for me. I said goodbye to Hobart Mums Network, The Haven and my job with Child Health Association Tasmania.

Today, I moved a stack of books from my theological library from home to my new workspace at the University Fellowship of Christians office. I'm currently working on a talk on Esther 6-8 and a workshop on John and the Synoptic Gospels.

Join me for a cup of tea during my work hours: TUES-WED-THURS 9:30am-2:30pm. I'll make you a brew of one of my German teas and we can just chat or I can listen or we can simply read the Bible and pray together.

Eve, 1st Year Research Student

Eve, 1st Year Research Student

Eve’s Story

Wow, the MOST exciting thing, where do I begin? The joy of being introduced to God and getting to know him. Seeing how he has changed my heart, my direction and my actions. Finally beginning to understand lasting peace. Trusting in him and beginning to rely on his wisdom, and see that it is truly for my good. Having a purpose to life and no fear in death. Having the perfect role model: Jesus Christ. These are all quite exciting things that couldn't have happened without Uni Fellowship.

The University Fellowship of Christians provided a platform to meet people my own age and form great friendships. The environment was welcoming, and it provided me with a comfortable place when I was in a new city. The quality of the sermons was definitely a step up from everything I’ve heard in my high school days, and tailored specifically to university students, being challenging, relevant and engaging. There was a big encouragement to ask questions, especially the difficult ones, and if the staff couldn’t answer them they always had a range of books to give, lend or recommend to me.

Financial Update

This month I am praying for 10 new people to give $50/month.

This will help me reach my 60% regular giving goal and I can begin working my full 2.5 days per week.

At the moment, I am paid 1.5 and I am volunteering the rest.

If you'd like to become a regular financial supporter, please click on the SUPPORT button below.

Giving Back to You

Sharing resources is my way of giving back to you and supporting your own relationship with Jesus and your church family and your own ministry. All links have been shared in Christine: Behind the Scenes. Join us in the group to discuss how the content might affect our lives and gospel work.

Missions and the Need for Deeper Women: Missions Podcast featured two women from The Pelican Project and asked: "How can we make sure that we are helping women deepen in their faith, their view of culture, and their heart for the local church—so that they can be more effective on mission?"

All Creation Is Groaning: "God's words in Romans 8 help me to live in this world and remind me that the sufferings of the present time (the sufferings we share with Jesus for his sake, but also the general suffering that we experience living in this world) are nothing compared to the glory that is coming when Jesus returns and brings the new creation." - Laura Haines

3 Ways to Pass on Faith to the Next Generation: "We [wrongly] assume that if we instruct our children in true doctrine, shelter them from immoral behavior, and involve them in church and religious organizations, then we have done all we can." - Tim Keller

When I Don't Desiring God ...: When humans draw a line in the sand where God himself has not. My heart is broken for young and old men who do not fit the mold of "uber-masculine" who feel that there is no place for them in the current cultural climate of Christianity. Who read articles that state that "soft men" will be barred from the Kingdom of Heaven. Who love God and their neighbour but cannot carry this extra burden. Who desire to emulate Jesus Christ, grateful for the work of the Spirit in his life. Trusting in the sacrifice Jesus made on his behalf allowing him to stand righteous before God in Christ. Thanks you, Nathan Campbell, for challenging those who are comfortable sitting in ivory towers.

Preaching Hard Stories: Last year I delivered a talk on the "hard story" of Tamar and Judah by the end the hearts and minds of the women present were lifted and rejoicing in the redemption available to us through Jesus Christ. Wendy Alsup says, "These passages aren't easy to teach. But they are worth the work to handle them well. There is profit to be found in them, buried treasure that points us to Christ, who was born of woman to save women and men, from the sins committed against them and the sins committed by them. Steward them well."

Upcoming Speaking Events:

21 February: Pre-Season Conference 2019 (Esther 6:1-8:14)
22 February: Pre-Season Conference 2019 Seminar (John and the Synoptic Gospels)
30 March: Connecting Conference 2019 (Brisbane) Workshop (Thinking Theologically about Christian Self-Help Literature)
4 April: MTS Training Day Workshop (Engaging the Media)
11 April: Engage Conference Workshop (Social Media, Part 1)
10-13 July: Mid-Year Conference Workshop (Thinking Theologically about Politics)
12 September: Engage Conference Workshop (Social Media, Part 2)