2019 Stories from Students and Staff


This year we did a series on different religions, philosophies and worldviews called: The Universe Next Door. The first week of Semester 2 we were on the Sandy Bay Campus raising awareness about our group and this preaching series.

We invited students to 'vote' with a ping pong ball which view of God and the universe they most identify with (Atheism, Agnosticism, Deism, Polytheism, Pantheism or Monotheism) and then invited them to our events. This was amazingly successful with around 800 students participating during the week and several really good conversations.

Our first Citywide Gathering of the new semester had around ten guests, about five who weren't Christians. They really appreciated the evening and a few people have signed up for the Christianity 1A course!

The sermons from our Universe Next Door series have been uploaded to our website and podcast so you can listen along with us.

Mikey Lynch
Campus Director


This year my involvement with the University Fellowship of Christians has been fairly busy, but very rewarding. This year was my first year on the Executive Committee, leading a Fellowship Group, and helping to run a Christianity 1A group. The Christianity 1A group that I helped to run in first semester has been a highlight this year. A group of recent Christians and non-Christians who were looking to further investigate Christianity met and went through a series of six studies together, based around Matthew’s gospel. In addition to providing experience with discovering the best way to read the gospel and discuss different concepts with non-Christians, it was also very rewarding to see other students slowly work to understand the gospel further and deepen their connection with Jesus.

Shea Bunge
Bachelor of Arts, 3rd Year


This past semester I met with a young woman three times to discuss Jesus and life and doubts. First was after she made contact with us expressing interest in joining us. Second was after a crisis of identity and faith. Third was her telling me she is now ready to return home a different person with a clear mission. Her semester with us helped her own her faith in Jesus for perhaps the first time in her life. The quality of relationships our students extended to her helped make Uni Fellowship a safe space to ask hard questions about what it means to risk all to follow Jesus. Is he truly worth it? She now returns to her home country after only a semester ready to invest in other people's lives. "My cup is full. I feel I MUST share what others have given me while here," she told me. Working in campus ministry is fast-paced, equipping students to partner with us in our mission and investing in the short-term growth of young people for their long term benefit of being life-long disciples of Jesus.

Christine Jolly, Senior Staff
Fellowship Groups and Faculty Cluster Events


A highlight of this year would have to be the student-led event, You Can’t Ask a Christian That! which took place halfway through Second Semester. The event allowed people to submit anonymous questions and have them answered by a panel on the night. The panellists consisted of a wide range of individuals, from clergy to students. Overall, the event was very successful, well received and we had even more attendees than was expected. The panellists provided us with some really well thought out answers, and the discussions that followed were really encouraging. We also had several people come along who had never attended a Uni Fellowship event before..From the collaboration between students during the planning, right through to the actual night, it was clear that God’s hand was in it all.

Harrison Newman
Bachelor of Pharmacy, 2nd Year


I joined Uni Fellowship at the beginning of this year by attending the Citywide Gathering during O Week. Being raised in a Christian family was a privilege but wasn’t enough. It takes much more faith to understand Gods love for us. Moving to Hobart and joining Uni Fellowship has helped me to grow more in faith each day and to share his love among others has been a blessing. All the student leaders have become a major influence on me and have helped me see my path in the ministry serving God amongst my subcontinental community and everyone around me. Earlier this Semester, the Leadership Development and the mentoring chats have helped me develop my leadership abilities. It’s been a fruitful journey this year reflecting on the things I have learnt.

Sibin Varghese
Masters of Accounting, 1st Year


Recently someone told me they are always disappointed in holidays once they end—that the rest they thought they’d get or the things they thought they’d do never fully came to fruition. I’d like to share with you one part of my recent long service leave which did reach my expectations. I wasn’t disappointed in when I had to return to my regular work (s an engineer eight weeks later. I was able to spend the first half of second semester volunteering with the University Fellowship of Christians at the Sandy Bay (and Conservatorium of Music) campuses. Starting with Mid Year Conference in Launceston, then O-week in Hobart, I was embedded with the staff and students. I attended many of the events, helped out on practical levels, and even did a bit of research. I was also able the chat with students who had questions about Christianity - both Christians and non-Christians. I was encouraged by the students’ enthusiasm, hospitality, and faithfulness as well as the great teaching and training.

Fiona Haynes, Alumna

Bachelor of Engineering (Civil), 2001


First year back with Uni Fellowship has been a whirlwind! It’s been seven years since I last was on staff, so in one sense has felt like I’m back in my old stomping ground. Yet there’s also many new things to pick up! One fantastic part of our O Week mission is inviting all our new student contacts for coffee. This year I met Leon, a Buddhist med student who was open to hearing about Christianity. He and I have been meeting together for 9 months and in recent weeks have been reading the Gospel of Mark together. On the regular, I oversee training our new students in the basics of Christian leadership, and although I’m still finding my feet with the program, we had a fantastic year this year. I’m excited to see more students trained in word ministry, prayer and one-to-one discipleship!

Alan Reader, Senior Staff
Student Leadership and Training


I moved down from NSW this year to start my first year at UTAS. I heard about University Fellowship of Christians through friends at my local church and I ended up joining in Semester 2 of 2019. The first Citywide Gathering I attended, I was very impressed with how friendly and welcoming everyone was. Soon after that I quickly started to join their other activities and Bible study groups they offered throughout the week. My favourite experience at Uni Fellowship this semester would be the Tuesday morning Leadership Development Program. These gave me the opportunity to gather weekly with other Christians of the same age and learn about God. This has really furthered my knowledge of the Bible and my personal growth with Christ. I am really keen to keep attending next year. I pray that Uni Fellowship continues to flourish and spread the Good News.

Etienne de Kock
Bachelor of Agricultural Science, 1st Year


Attending Citywide was the beginning of what I hope will be a lifelong journey. A series of nudges had pointed me back toward God after many years away from church and I had begun to question ‘why would anyone be a Christian in this day and age?’ I was equal parts curious about this question and envious of the absolute sense of security my Christian friends seemed to feel.

One of my beautiful friends, who had been brought to Christ through the Fellowship two years prior brought me along to Citywide. Mikey’s preaching was unlike anything I had experienced before having grown up in a very conservative Greek Orthodox household. I was transfixed by the way he presented evidence about Jesus.

After this I signed up for Christianity 1A—although I thought I knew the Bible pretty well from my upbringing, I wanted to get back to basics and see things with new eyes… and Oh, did I ever! How did I never realise just how amazing Jesus was? A few weeks into Christianity 1A and after listening to just about every recording of the Fellowship podcast, I felt this intense assurance that what we were reading was the truth. I don’t think I ever knew what joy actually felt like before Jesus called me to him.

Not long after this, a close family member was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I realised that God knew I couldn’t walk that journey alone and so he called me back, knowing that it was time. I’m so grateful for the support networks that helped me realise how good he is.

Martha Galea
Bachelor of Business, 2019