
Become a Financial Partner

Your investment will help me dedicate my hours of work to shaping the next generation of Christian leaders in Australia and around the world. You will receive seasonal financial partner updates and detailed reports on what my team is accomplishing on campus.

We typically receive regular gifts that range from $5/month to however you feel led. Special gifts are also welcome, like year-end donations, church offerings, public speaking stipends, support from unexpected occasions such as an inheritance, tax return, bonus or promotion.

For US and UK financial partners please select ‘Click here to direct my donation somewhere specific’ then Staff/Christine Jolly’s ministry in Australia. A tax deduction is also available.


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If you would like to support me in prayer, you can subscribe to my ministry updates email to get behind the scenes updates and news on all my latest work. If you would like to join a discussion about my work please join my Facebook Group.