My Mission is to Develop


student leaders who proclaim Jesus and are prepared to follow Him through all seasons of their lives.

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About me

I can't answer the question “Where are you from?”; I told my husband I loved him before I met him; and I'm a woman who is doing her part to prepare students to confidently follow Jesus through all seasons of their lives.

I studied at seminary in the United States of America and have been serving the local church and wider community in many ways since moving to Tasmania in 2007.

Married to Mike and mum to Olivia and Ella, together we enjoy taking the occasional big trip overseas to visit family, ride bikes and make new friends.

Uni Fellowship

The University Fellowship of Christians is a part of the Tasmanian University Union and is a member of the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students.

We are committed to making the gospel of Christ known to the Hobart campus of the University of Tasmania and investing in the development of future pastors and missionaries for the world.

My Role

Team Leader: As Fellowship Groups and Faculty Cluster Team Leader at University Fellowship of Christians, I train my team of student leaders in leading small groups and running evangelistic events. In addition, I get to deliver talks, facilitate workshops and transition students from mere participants to future ministry leaders.

Women: More than half the students at the University of Tasmania are women. Uni Fellowship only has one senior staff (me) to cast a female perspective on all the teaching, training and events we run. I am delighted to fill this need and am looking towards bringing in women from local churches to partner with us as mentors.



Become a Financial Partner

Your investment will help me dedicate my hours of work to shaping the next generation of Christian leaders in Australia and around the world. You will receive seasonal financial partner updates and detailed reports on what my team is accomplishing on campus.

We typically receive regular gifts that range from $5/month to however you feel led. Special gifts are also welcome, like year-end donations, church offerings, public speaking stipends, support from unexpected occasions such as an inheritance, tax return, bonus or promotion.

For US and UK financial partners please select ‘Click here to direct my donation somewhere specific’ then Staff/Christine Jolly’s ministry in Australia. A tax deduction is also available.


Subscribe to my Newsletter

If you would like to support me in prayer, you can subscribe to my ministry updates email to get behind the scenes updates and news on all my latest work. If you would like to join a discussion about my work please join my Facebook Group.

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Along the way I will share resources with you as a way of growing your own faith journey and personal ministry. This is the best way for you to get in-the-moment information to help you know how you can best support my work through prayer, financial partnership or practical help.

Join My Facebook Group

Christine: Behind the Scenes Facebook Group will give you a behind the scenes glimpse of the ministry.

Follow Me on X

I regularly post on X (previously known as Twitter). You can get an insight into my thoughts and snippets of things I find interesting.


Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get out of supporting your work?

  1. Sharing in the vision even if you can’t physically be there - You may not be able to commit the time to working directly with students. Partnering with me combines our shared vision and allows me to do the work on your behalf. 

  2. I will keep you involved and updated - You won’t be kept in the dark. I’ll update you regularly through emails, blog posts and Facebook, giving you behind-the-scenes access to my work on campus.

  3. Training the next generation of Christian leaders - Many of our students grow in leadership and go on to Bible college, returning as leaders in their local churches or worldwide mission. I see this as an investment in your church’s future.

  4. I will look after YOUR students - Your church may send students to Uni Fellowship. I will give them a place to cultivate their gifts for gospel work where God has placed them at university, preparing them for a life-long service to God and his church.

Do you do speaking engagements?

Yes! I’d love to come and speak to your church, Bible study, event, school or community group. Contact me for more details.

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